Are you ready for how the world has changed in a few short months in taking on a new employee? Are you ready for the new interview process? It is no longer about that firm handshake in that first few seconds, that 3 second first impression or judgement which considered if you stood up in Reception as the interviewer approached you! Oh no, now it is more about how well you handled the introduction on video in that first 3 seconds. Were you the person looking really frustrated into the webcam or tablet in a frustrated or controlled voice tone saying “can you hear me????Hello????hello???? Can you see me???? I can see you…. Why can’t I hear you?????….Expletives…..!!!!” What a first impression! NOT!
Get ready for this new world and make sure you are still thinking about creating that first impression which was so important when you went into an office for an interview. It is still as important now but requires different things from you to uphold it. Think about how you say hello and introduce yourself. Think about your smile. And yes your dress code is important, even if it is only the top half! First impressions still count, and your ability to handle things going wrong, (which is more likely with technology) is what is being assessed very quickly in these interviews. Be as prepared for the new interview as you were for the old. Don’t be ruled out because you showed your frustration with technology failing, or you decided to do the interview in busy place with bad wifi. This is all down to a lack of thought or preparation by you. The new way is not more difficult , it is just different and any change always brings some frustration, but how calm you are at handling it, is what the employers want to see.
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